Wiadomość ze strony herbowa.com
Wiadomość od: PrestonSoype PrestonSoype
Hello I was wanting to see, if you wanted to stop paying fees to accept credit cards? I am with http://www.TakeCreditCardsFree.com and with us, you can take every type of credit card, you get your money deposited within 2 business days and you pay 0% plus $0.00 per transaction, the only thing you pay is a $25 per month account fee, and then you just use your existing terminal, or buy/lease one from us. What’s the catch? The catch is, instead of charging you, your customer is charged a small convenience fee via the credit card machine we send you, of just 40 cents per every $10 to which the customer is spending and that’s it. Would you be interested in this? If so go to our website or call/text us at 720-791-3210 or go to our website http://www.takecreditcardsfree.com
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